Facebook Ads Sent 3,000 People for less than $1,000 to a Dealer Website

With many skeptical about how effective Facebook ads are in the automotive industry, we will show how Facebook classifieds are a proven, cost effective way to drive people to your website - which will then result in calls, test drives and other enquiries.

When we work with our dealership clients we have a set way of working that needs to be addressed before we spend any money whatsoever:

  • Ensure that your website tracking (such as Google Analytics) is setup correctly so that you can track which pages people are looking at, when they tap click to call and submit enquiry forms.
  • Check with your call tracking provider that you have dedicated virtual numbers setup to ensure you know which calls are sales/service/general enquiries. This is important to work out the return on your investment
  • Work with your team to realise that not every lead that comes from the Internet is warm/hot/ready to buy. Sure there are platforms and websites that send you those - but you are paying for the privilege. This strategy is about volume and converting enquiries into leads.
  • Ensure your vehicle feed is up-to-date, with photos (very important) and that is Facebook friendly. Without this part, the whole strategy doesn't work.

Clicks for Cents (Not Dollars)

Once we have all the above setup, we can start to work getting all the plumbing sorted. This is the bit that you don't have to worry about but is the grunt work behind the scenes:

  • We ensure we only target your PMA (don't want to get in trouble from your ASM)
  • We break down your vehicles into classes (seems straight forward but you will be surprised how many accounts we see mixing PV & CV together)
  • Create our audience based on your PMA and the vehicle type (believe it or not, not everyone wants a SUV)
  • Set the right budget limits - this is critical because managing this is the secret of keeping the costs down.

Facebook Ad Results

There is a pay off from all of this hard work. As you can see from above, we have managed to get clicks off Facebook and Instagram for under $1.00 consistently, regardless of the vehicle type and what PMA we are targeting.

What this means that if 3000 people come to your website, 10% would likely enquire/call about a vehicle (so that is 300 calls). If you look at the total spend and divide it by the number of calls, that means each phone call enquiry cost you $7-8.

From that, you know what your call to order-form to delivery ratio is, but you could potentially safely assume that you would sell approximately 10-15 vehicles with a good team and processes in place.

We challenge all our dealers and those that we work with to find a better return on their investment and ad spend, because we can't.

If you would like CORSZA to help you generate more enquiries for your dealership, fill out the form below or email us directly at hi@corsza.com

We Create Content

Our creative team consists of designers, videographers, editors and AI

We Run Paid Media

Our media buying team takes those creatives and runs them across search, social and video platforms.


In over 5 years of business we have successfully delivered content and campaigns in these industries:

Our Strategies are Different

Put all of this into a pot and stir, what comes out? Fresh ideas backed by solid data. We push boundaries and drive success.

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