
Don’t Forget to Update Your Google My Business

Think of this as a public service announcement to all those that have businesses that would have been visited over the long weekend that has just past. 

Please, please, please, please, please add update our Google My Business profile to your list of your todos coming up to any long weekend. Please.

We know that Google does have some trickery that can figure it out by default using it’s super smart algorithms, but you shouldn’t be relying on it. Even some of the major brands in the country had incorrect data available and it is just a bit of a pain on your day off to spend multiple minutes phaffing about trying to figure out if your favourite coffee shop is open or closed on a public holiday.

We noticed that many had updated their Instagram and Facebook and so forth, but we know for the majority, including those that open our Maps app rather than a browser, Google is the number one place to find out if your favourite spot is open or not.

Plus it is just good hygiene if you run a location based business to regularly update your posts, photos/videos, deals/offers and other details because Google does consider it as part of it’s ranking factors.

So you all get a pass for this one, but make sure you are ready to go for the Queen’s Birthday long weekend 😉