Unleash Your Story With Social Media Video Production That Captivates

What We Do

Service 1

Content Creation

Our team includes both in-house and outsourced content creators - whether you want high end video production or UGC style content, we manage the complete process from start to finish.

Service 2

Videographers & Editors

Don't build out a network of freelancers, our onshore team has videographers across NSW, QLD and VIC and have centralised editing team based in Sydney.

Service 2

Social Media Managers

We don't just create, we have the admin team as well! We manage posting across all major social platforms, responding to comments and running paid/boosted ads to make sure your content gets seen.

Bio Image


I have always been captivated by the intricacies of suspense and the power of mystery in storytelling. My approach to crafting compelling and unforgettable thrillers is rooted in my passion for creating intense, thought-provoking, and immersive experiences that leave a lasting impact on the audience. I look forward to continuing to craft gripping stories that challenge, entertain, and push the boundaries of the thriller genre. - Ben

CORSZA's current and past clients


Let's create videos that not only catch the eye but also evoke emotion

At Corsza, social media video production is our canvas. We blend innovation and creativity to craft narratives that captivate global audiences. Our team collaborates seamlessly to push artistic boundaries and set new industry standards.

Efficiency Meets Excellence.

Unveiling Our Artistry: Redefining Social Media Video Production

At Corsza, social media video production is our canvas. We blend innovation and creativity to craft narratives that captivate global audiences. Our team collaborates seamlessly to push artistic boundaries and set new industry standards.

Mastering the Art: Innovating Beyond Challenges

We view challenges as opportunities for innovation. We embrace tight deadlines and evolving trends with creativity and agility, turning obstacles into opportunities for video gold.

Time Efficiency

2 hours of your time translates into comprehensive video strategies that resonate for months.

Full Suite Services

Beyond production – scripting, shooting, editing, posting, and promoting. We handle the heavy lifting.

Answer: We cater to a diverse range of industries, including but not limited to technology, fashion, healthcare, hospitality, and education. Our flexible approach ensures that we can adapt our video production strategies to suit various business needs and objectives. Or would you rather 1. What is the Format and length of Social Media videos? Answer: Social media videos are notably shorter, typically ranging from 15 to 60 seconds, optimized for quick engagement on platforms like TikTok and Instagram Stories.

Answer: We begin each project with a thorough discovery phase to understand your brand’s values, target audience, and unique selling propositions. Throughout production, we maintain open communication and provide regular updates to ensure that the videos not only meet but exceed your expectations. Or would you rather 2. What is the Engagement strategy? Answer: These videos are strategically crafted to encourage interaction through likes, shares, and comments, emphasizing virality and audience engagement.

Answer: Our process typically includes initial consultations to discuss goals and concepts, followed by scriptwriting, storyboarding, filming, editing, and final revisions. We emphasize collaboration and feedback at each stage to ensure the final product aligns with your vision Or would you rather 3. What is the Content style? Answer: Content is often informal, authentic, and responsive to current trends, leveraging user-generated content to resonate effectively with viewers

Answer: The timeline can vary based on factors like video complexity, scope, and revisions. Generally, it involves pre-production (planning and scripting), production (filming), and post-production (editing and finalization), spanning from a few days to several weeks Or would you rather 4. What is the Distribution approach? Answer: Social media videos are tailored for specific platforms, utilizing features such as hashtags, tagging, and algorithms to maximize reach and impact with target audiences