
Schedule “Trends Time” to Ride TikTok Trends

If you regularly use Tik Tok, you’ll usually see the same trending hashtags appear over and over again – and there is a reason for it. If you can be savvy and schedule time to ride the constant (probably infinite) trends wave, there are huge audiences ready to consume your content.

There is always a catch though and at the moment, there is no perfect button you can press to have a notification appear with the current trends when it is convenient to you. So what is a business or creator to do? We recommend creating “Trend Time” where you have everything ready to go.

How to Schedule Trend Time

  1. Pick the date and time – Put in your calendar a time where you can get yourself, maybe some team members and a camera (your phone camera is fine) to create a trend. Instead of going for a coffee, do this instead.
  2. Open the TikTok app and scroll through what is trending in your region. Yep, you will be getting paid to watch TikToks – but with all this power comes great responsiblity.
  3. Pick the trend that matches your business/product/service and have a quick ideas session on what you can imitate or create to ride the wave.
  4. The scary part – create the video on your phone, add the hashtags/sound/song to make sure you surface in the trend, post and relax. Yep, it will be stressful and it might not win you an Oscar, but it will get the job done.
  5. For those privileged to have a bit of budget available to boost it, do that as well for maximum exposure.

What Next?

Well if you and your team feel brave enough – you could start a trend/hashtag. Take your product or service and TikTok-ify it – film it with some crazy transitions, come up with a dance routine. Or if your brand allows you, something a bit controversial or crazy always is a good way.

It is a much harder slog to do that, rather than to jump on someone else’s trend – but fortunate follows the brave!

We would love to hear about how you have gone promoting yourself, so feel free to reach out and share!